Sex Education

Prevention Meets Fashion (PMF) Sex Education Program provides comprehensive sex education to Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQ+, and non-binary communities. This is vital because historically these communities have and continue to face racism, discrimination, violence, and trauma.We cover a wide range of topics in our Sex Education Program including:

  • Sex and Sexuality

  • Sexual Health (condoms, masturbation, STIs/STDs, including HIV and AIDS)

  • Reproductive Health and Justice (e.g. reproductive coercion)

  • Human Development

  • Healthy Relationships (consent, dating, and sexual and gender-based violence etc.)

  • Kink and BDSM

  • Sexual Communication

  • Exploring bias, values and beliefs

  • Gender roles, norms and culture

  • And more…

    *** HIV Self-Testing, COVID At-Home, and Narcan Kits Available Now!*** Test in the comfort of their own home or safer space.

PMF has several projects that we offering to the community:

The Sex Worker Prevention Project, is a comprehensive, multi-layered project that is part of our endeavors to address the lack of women (cis and trans identities) specific information around HIV and prevention services for those in the sex industry. The project will offer paid internships for Black trans and gender non-conforming individuals that meets participants immediate needs while creating pathways for future employment by bolstering the resumes and creating references for people who are often unable to access traditional employment.

The GBV Prevention Project is for youth ages 12-24 years old. The project is a youth-centered, trauma-informed project that engages youth, especially Black and LGBTQ+ youth in Gender-Based Violence (GBV) prevention efforts, education and healing work. The project has since expanded to folks older than 24 years old.

The Monkeypox Outreach Project (M.O.P) will focus on increasing community awareness and education around monkeypox (MPX) to the general public, specifically those most impacted MPX such as LGBTQ+ and sex work communities.


Prevention Meets Fashion is also available to provide community education, workshops, trainings, professional development and consultations to individuals, parents, churches, organizations, businesses, providers and educators. If interested, please complete our training request form.

Our experiential learning workshops provide tools and a safer space for the community to process, reflect, listen, be heard, ask questions, and work on becoming sexually healthy through F.A.C.E. and other skill building.

Our educators offer a range of programs (single or multi-sessions) that can be tailored to each audience. We price our workshops on a sliding scale to ensure access to all that need it and want it. We ask that if you are able to pay our prices in full that you do so. We are a small non-profit and all of our revenue goes back into our community, organization, programs, and services which benefit Black, people of color and LGBTQ+ communities.

Some of our most popular workshops are:

  • Menstruation Education Series (e.g. Period Poverty, Period Party, Queer Period, Menstruation and Disability)

  • Healthy Relationships Series

  • LGBTQ+

  • Condom Education (e.g. Condom Party, Condom Art, and Condom Fashion Show)

  • Fashion and Disease (historical look at some of the fashion trends that arose from disease and prevention)

  • Fashion and Trauma (this workshop is part of a series and is also a support group, see Support Groups for more information)

  • More Than A Look! Intersections Between Fashion, Mental Health and Sexual Health (lecture style)

Prevention Meets Fashion is also available to provide professional development and consultations to individuals, parents, churches, organizations, businesses, providers and educators.

For more information, please email




Social Justice and Fashion